Multiple Sclerosis Heat Intolerance or Uthoff’s Phenomenon. Find out more!

Multiple Sclerosis heat intolerance

Multiple Sclerosis heat intolerance

Donnee Spencer has produced this brilliant infographic introducing multiple sclerosis heat intolerance or Uthoff’s Phenomenon as it is also called. Donne says “I didn’t write this one, I just took the write up and designed a background for it, but it’s great info for how the heat affects us!” Do you know where the text comes from? If so please let us know in the comments section so we can put up and acknowledgement and link.

It is worth mentioning that Donnee that Donnee has started her own Facebook page called My Life with MS. Please do consider joining here.

Finally you might be interested in what we think is a genius idea for keeping cool in this heat.

10 thoughts on “Multiple Sclerosis Heat Intolerance or Uthoff’s Phenomenon. Find out more!

  1. patienttalk MSTREATMENT
    I would be more than happy to provide all info needed including credentials in personal conversation –
    there are 60 world know medical doctors and researchers behind the project, patents pending in US and Switzerland, combined research with Johnson and Johnson in Germany and University of Bern Switzerland

  2. patienttalk MSTREATMENT
    there is a group of Russian doctors and scientists that made a discovery of new type of drug about 30 years ago, the way it works – it basically causes our body to reset our metabolism processes and to bring it to the optimal state, as a result our immune system is getting to the optimal condition and body starts dealing effectively on it’s own with severe health problems and without causing negative side effects
    It was a lot of research and trials performed in different countries, now it’s an international group of specialists with main office in Switzerland
    About 10 years ago the treatment came into full scale, not experimental anymore
    Because of political reasons the treatment is still not approved by FDA and similar authorities in Europe
    They found a way to offer this treatments legally in couple of countries where it can qualify under an umbrella of natural medicine 
    If you want to know more specifics – let’s talk – Skype or phone works the best

  3. patienttalk MSTREATMENT
    Have you listened to this audio already?
    I would recommend so, you can get a better idea
    anyway, there is a group of Russian doctors and scientists that made a discovery of new type of drug about 30 years ago, the way it works – it basically causes our body to reset our metabolism processes and to bring it to the optimal state, as a result our immune system is getting to the optimal condition and body starts dealing effectively on it’s own with severe health problems and without causing negative side effects
    It was a lot of research and trials performed in different countries, now it’s an international group of specialists with main office in Switzerland
    About 10 years ago the treatment came into full scale, not experimental anymore
    Because of political reasons the treatment is still not approved by FDA and similar authorities in Europe
    They found a way to offer this treatments legally in couple of countries where it can qualify under an umbrella of natural medicine 
    If you want to know more specifics – let’s talk – Skype or phone works the best

  4. New treatment for MS developed by Russian doctors Interview of patient’s caregiver please be patient, low quality recording – it was a spontaneous interview over Skype

  5. New treatment for MS developed by Russian doctors Interview of patient’s caregiver please be patient, low quality recording – it was a spontaneous interview over Skype

  6. Now add pre-menopause hot flashes, which in PREmenopuase means I get hot hours!!  This sucks so bad.  It only gets harder.

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