Longer Life, Healthier Life? You will find this data shocking!

Giulia of the Medico website got in touch to tell us about a new infographic they have just released.

Frankly I found the statistics astounding!

Medico tell us “The average human being is living longer than ever before. Nearly every country on the planet has seen an increase in life expectancy since the beginning of the 21st century.

But though we are living longer, not all of us are living healthier.

Health Adjusted Life Expectancy (HALE), or healthy life expectancy, is a metric used by the World Health Organization to measure the number of years a person can expect to live in good health, taking social and economic factors into account alongside disease and disability rates.
When we deduct healthy life expectancy from actual life expectancy, we see the average amount of years someone can expect to live in bad health – or ‘Bad Health Years’.

This infographic takes a country-by-country look at the change in bad health years since 2000 to see where people are living a longer, healthier life.”

MEDIGO – Longer Life, Healthier Life

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