Falls Are the Leading Cause of Death Amongst Elderly People



Many people might not be aware of the risks elderly people face when they fall. When people are younger a fall might just cause minor injury but as people get over falls can kill. According to this infographic from Hussey Fraser, 87% of fractures in elderly people are due to falls. Amazingly 56% of falls in elderly people lead to fractures and 26% of people who sustain hip fractures die within 12 months.

While elderly people are more likely to fall, up to half of those falls could be avoided by taking more care around the house. Elderly people living alone can be particularly vulnerable and the situation can become dire pretty quickly if the elderly person falls and cannot get up. If you know an elderly person who lives on their own, try to look at their living arrangement to see if there’s anything you can do to make it safer. Find out about what you can do to reduce falls amongst elderly people in the infographic.

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