9 Powerful nutrients that will improve your sleep quality

9 Powerful nutrients that will improve your sleep quality

9 Powerful nutrients that will improve your sleep quality


What the heck happened?

It is another Tuesday night and you are again rolling in your bed trying get some sleep. You have your earbuds in and your sleep mask on, so why do you still have problems with falling asleep?

What if I told you that you can improve the quality of your sleep by eating the right foods.

I am not just talking about avoiding junk food before bedtime, I am talking about eating the right foods that will help you improve your night’s rest. You are probably aware that there are foods which can improve our wakefulness like coffee. Well it turns out that there are also foods which can improve the relaxation in our body, and therefore make us more ready to fall asleep.

Well if you are interested than keep on reading because you are about to discover the holy grail of sleep enriching foods.

Infographic source



Fabian Tjong is the founder of Nap Season, a sleep blog dedicated to give information about sleep disorders and sleep hacks. He aspires to help his readers to get their best rest at night by sharing personal tips learned through both years of experience and thorough research. Check out NapSeason to learn more about Fabian and his work.

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