Why is everyone suddenly neurodivergent?

Many highly successful people, including the likes of Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, and Bill Gates, have been included on lists of famous people with autism (though they were never diagnosed). What exactly is autism? How is it different from Asperger’s syndrome? What is internalized ableism, and what is neurodiversity? This is what we’ll talk about today.

Monotropism – Does It Describe Autistic Thinking?

How do you pay attention? What do you pay attention to? Can you direct your attention? Do you sometimes feel like a slave to your attention orientation? Monotropism is a theory around attention that many autistic people, including myself, resonate with. It describes both our strengths and our weaknesses. Before I read the original paper proposing this theory, I felt it made sense of practically everything in terms of how my attention plays out. However, after reading the full paper and further researching, I realised it didn’t even touch the sides. This is a video about that.